Using Eye Drops complete guide

Using Eye Drops: A Complete Guide With Instructions

Tips and Tricks

A complete Guide

For people who are dealing with the discomfort of dry eyes or even suffering from particular eye conditions, eye drops can provide some much-needed relief and comfort. Indeed, they’re effective for infections, allergies and more serious problems such as glaucoma. In biological terms, it’s essential that your eyes are properly lubricated so that you don’t experience any sensitivity, redness or itching. Adequate hydration also provides you with clear vision and protects them from dust as well.

Whether you experience just occasional feelings of dryness, suffer from seasonal dryness due to central heating or hay fever, or it’s a persistent issue that has lasted for years – eye problems can significantly affect your quality of life.

Eye drops are one of the simplest and more effective ways for you to alleviate any symptoms of dryness and discomfort. Still, many find it challenging to apply eye drops, and repeatedly missing your eye is not only frustrating, but it could also mean that you’re not receiving the full benefits provided by eye drops. Ultimately, it all comes down to technique and knowing the right way to apply them.

How do Eye Drops Work?

Eye drops are also known as ocular lubricants, and they are a great way to keep your eyes moist and provide some temporary relief. The soothing effect begins the moment the eye drops are inserted into your eyes, and as you close your eyelids the drops will be spread over the surface of your eyes, lubricating them in the process.

Once you open your eyelids, the solution formed by the interactions between the drops and your own tears is reformed again. This is how eye drops are able to give you such instantaneous results, because they are released and spread over your eyes every time you blink.

Why Understanding Technique is so Important

The instinct to protect our eyes is powerful, and it is for this reason that we have such a strong reflexive response to something coming towards our eye. There are measures you can take however to ensure that you can easily apply eye drops without any wastage or fuss.

Continually missing the mark not only defeats the purpose of using these eye drops, but it can also get expensive as well because you end up using much more solution than you actually require. Whether they are prescription or over-the-counter eye drops, learning how to perfectly apply them every time will ensure that your solution can go that extra mile.

An optician, pharmacist or physician will probably be able to give you precise instructions and guidance according to your situation. However, the step-by-step guide provided below describes all of the standard procedures and cautions you need to take when applying eye drops.

A Step-by-Step Guide

• Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, and then dry them with a clean and non-fibrous wash cloth or towel.

• Remove your glasses or contact lenses. The only exception to this would be if you’re using eye drops that have been especially formulated to moisten your eyes whilst wearing contacts or if you were specifically instructed to use them that way by a professional.

• Twist the cap from the dropper and carefully inspect it. It shouldn’t be cracked, damaged or compromised in any way. In order to maintain hygiene, ensure that you don’t touch the tip at any point.

• At this point you can position yourself however you feel most comfortable, whether that is lying down, sitting or even standing up. The essence is to gently tilt your head up and concentrate on a point on the ceiling above you, keeping your eye wide open.

• Using one or two fingers, carefully position them on your face approximately an inch below your eye. Softly pull the skin downwards so that you can create enough space between your eyeball and your lower eyelid.

• Before you apply the eye drops, hold the dropper a couple of inches away from your eye. It’s essential that the tip of the dropper doesn’t come into contact with your eyelids, eyeball or eyelashes, because the eye drops in the bottle could then be contaminated by bacteria or fibres.

• Apply just enough pressure for a single drop of the solution to fall in the space between your eyeball and lower eyelid.

• You can then stop pulling your skin and remove the fingertips from your face. Slowly close your eyes and gradually bring your head downwards from the upwards tilt. For a couple of minutes avoid blinking or sudden movements, so that the solution can absorb into your eyes without being dislodged.

• Repeat this for the second eye if this is required.

• As soon as you have finished the treatment, place the cap onto the bottle again and screw it on securely to prevent contamination. You should also never wipe the tip of the dropper on anything, so that it remains safe for repeated uses.

Tips and Tricks

• Once you’ve applied the drop into your eye, you could try to gently press the inner corner of the eyelid besides your nose. This should help to keep the eye drop within your eye so that it has enough time to completely absorb.

• Eyes can usually only hold one eye drop at a time, but there may be instances where you have to apply more than one drop at a time. In this case, wait several moments between applying the first and the second eye drops so that there is sufficient time for it to absorb and create some more space.

• Practise makes perfects – some over-the-counter or prescription eye drops can be expensive, so it’s unlikely you’d want to practice with them first. Fortunately, artificial tears are easily available and relatively cheap, so that you can practice at leisure and keep waste to a minimum once your start using the more expensive solutions.

• Whilst you’re still learning and practising, there’s no harm in asking a family member or friend for help if you really need to apply your eye drops.